domingo, 5 de agosto de 2018


Today you were very close
Today was the opportunity of my life
Today your breath touch my eyelashes
Today your eyes promised to love me

The breeze brought back your scent
That is combined with the smell of flowers
However, they were not confused with each other
Because your essence smelled like a man in love.

Our eyes embraced in the coming and going of our bodies
Hands, like butterflies fluttered to the rhythm of poetry
We both had the same music inside
Accompanied by hours of silence.

I promised not to get excited
I promised to be very demure
I promised to keep our spaces
I promised you that you would not see me in love.

But it was impossible, I swear I proposed it
My eyes disobeyed that order
My mind tasted you like you were a pie
Until your soul hung to mine and we shared the hair of an angel.

I only promise to respect your decision
Keep my body several meters away
But please do not ask me not to make you mine
Every time our souls meet.

I was slow, I came to my house and I strongly reproached him
I should have taken you by your face and stamped this kiss that I'm dying to give you.
Oh! Woman and how brave, how could you lose that opportunity to feel that hummingbird flutter on your tongue.

Even if you not see me anymore, it was well worth it
Rub the tip of my tongue with your tongue
And feel that explosion of ecstasy all over my body
That I would not know more about you? What does it matter, if you are mine once more?

That last one that I like, I treasured it in my hands
To then store it inside my perfume
And so, every day, with every drop of it, it will make me feel your lips that taste like honey.

Carmen Pacheco
August 5, 2018

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